More than 1,400 members of the Princeton community came back to campus to reconnect, honor alumni award winners, attend the Service of Remembrance, toast the 75th anniversary of the Association of Princeton Graduate Alumni and so much more! Relive the activities of Alumni Day by viewing the videos below.
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan ’81, Nobel laureate David Card *83 recognized at Alumni Day
Princeton gave top alumni honors to Elena Kagan, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, and David Card, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, at Princeton’s 110th Alumni Day on Saturday, Feb. 22, in a program that demonstrated the University’s commitment to serving the nation and humanity in myriad ways.
“We have to be able to listen to other people who are saying different things and to learn from those people. Listening to opposing opinions, and sometimes questioning your own, offers a way forward.”
Woodrow Wilson Award Conversation
Elena Kagan ’81, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, was joined in conversation by President Christopher L. Eisgruber ’83 and was honored with the Woodrow Wilson Award.
“The Princeton School of Labor Economics had a bunch of tenets: one was that we were supposed to focus on people. And if you studied economics … that was almost the last thing they talked about. So that was kind of unusual.”
James Madison Medal Lecture
David Card *83, Nobel laureate and emeritus professor of economics at the University of California-Berkeley, presented a lecture titled “The Princeton School of Labor Economics.”
Held in Jadwin Gymnasium, the Alumni Day luncheon program is the Alumni Council’s Annual Meeting. Hear updates from Alumni Association President Monica Moore Thompson ’89, President Christopher L. Eisgruber ’83 and Princeton University Art Museum Director James Steward, along with performances by the Roaring 20.
Held during Alumni Day, this year’s Service of Remembrance honored the alumni, students and members of the Princeton University faculty and staff whose deaths were recorded by the University during 2024. Watch the service to hear the memorial address from Rev. Stanford Adams ’00.
In memory and honor of beloved Princetonians, you can post a “virtual carnation” — a memorial message — honoring a departed loved one.
2025 Pyne Prize Remarks
At Alumni Day, Avi Attar ’25 and Jennifer Nwokeji ’25 accepted the Moses Taylor Pyne Honor Prize, the highest general distinction conferred on an undergraduate.
The Porter Ogden Jacobus Fellowship, Princeton’s top honor for graduate students, supports the final year of study and is awarded to students whose work has exhibited the highest scholarly excellence. Watch recipients Huy Tung Nguyen, Rama Hagos, Pietro Cibinel and Zhiyi “Allen” Ren discuss their research.
First observed on Lincoln’s birthday in 1915, the day drew 100 alumni to what the PAW called “an intellectual pilgrimage” to Princeton. From 1916 to 1955, it was on Washington’s birthday; thereafter, it has been on the Saturday nearest February 22.