Award for Service to Princeton

Award for Service to Princeton

The Award for Service to Princeton recognizes outstanding service contributions to Princeton by any member of the Princeton family, with special emphasis on those who serve significantly, but inconspicuously. 

Robert Gleason ’87, Erica McGibbon ’07, Beverly Randez ’94 and Frederick Strobel ’74 P08 P11 posing with the Service to Princeton awards

2024 Honorees for Service to Princeton

Alumna receiving Award from Alumnus
Nominate a Princetonian

The Alumni Council Award for Service to Princeton recognizes outstanding service contributions to Princeton by any member of the Princeton family, with special emphasis on those who serve significantly, but inconspicuously. Award recipients are recognized at events during Reunions.

Please submit nominations and supporting material no later than February 23, 2025.

2024 Honorees for Award for Service to Princeton

The Alumni Council Award for Service to Princeton recognizes outstanding service contributions to Princeton by any member of the Princeton family, with special emphasis on those who serve significantly, but inconspicuously. Award recipients are recognized at events during Reunions.

Headshot of Robert Gleason ’87

Robert Gleason ’87

Headshot of Erica McGibbon

Erica McGibbon ’07

Headshot of Beverly Randez

Beverly Randez ’94

Headshot of Frederick Strobel

Frederick Strobel ’74 P08 P11

Previous Award Winners

  • 2023 - J. William “Bill” Charrier ’69; Douglas Jin Chin ’83 P21; Douglas Massick ’93 S93 P25
  • 2022 - Itohowo E. Ekpoudom ’03, Richard A. Just ’01 S*04, Colleen P. Kelly ’77 S77 P10 P14, Robert B. Loveman ’69
  • 2021 - Fritz Cammerzell ’72 P25, Susan Katzmann Horner ’86 S79 P20, Laurence Latimer *01, Nancy Lin ’77 S76 P10
  • 2020 - Alfred L. Bush^; Carol A. Obertubbesing ’73 W71, Sue Pierson h67 h74 h81 h83 h87 h88 h93, Bambi Tsui ’09
  • 2019 - Gwen L. Feder ’78 P21, Rose Li *92 P18, Lauren McKenna Surzyn ’07, Masakazu (Max) Tsumuraya *81
  • 2018 - Charles C. Freyer ’69, Jean S. Hendry *80, James M. McPherson h57 h64 h69 h70 h72 H14, Mika Provata-Carlone *02
  • 2017 - Susan Conger-Austin *83, Kendall L. Crolius ’76, Anthony M. Fittizzi, Jr. ’97, Judith McCartin Scheide W36 P84 h28 h31 h32 h34 h36 h37 h40 h43 h70^
  • 2016 - Charles J. Plohn Jr. ’66, William F. Landrigan ’76, Gary M. King ’79, Gary K. Pai ’99
  • 2015 - Thomas F. Fleming Jr. ’69 P00 P01, Patricia L. Irvin ’76, Shawn R. Cowls ’87, Kristin Alyea Epstein ’97
  • 2014 - Wesley Wright Jr. ’51 P83 P90 h83, Vsevolod A. Onyshkevych ’83, Debbie Scott Williams ’84, Anthony J. Fiori *03
  • 2013 - Rosalie Wedmid Norair ’76 S76 P04 P07, Charlene Huang Olson ’88, Lee L. Dudka *77, Jeffrey A. Vinikoor ’03
  • 2012 - David T. Fisher ’69, Isabel K. McGinty *82 P12, Catherine J. Toppin ’02, Robert D. Varrin ’56 *57 P78 P80 P81 g10
  • 2011 - George A. Brakeley III ’61 , George L. Bustin ’70 P08, Valerie Kelly ’84
  • 2010 - Jotham Johnson ’64^, Gregg A. Lange ’70, Jean M. Telljohann ’81
  • 2009 - J. Andrew Cowherd ’74 P07, Richard G. Williams *72 h78 h83 h02^, Elise P. Wright ’83
  • 2008 - Carol Barash *89, Melvin R. McCray Jr. ’74, Duncan W. Van Dusen ’58^
  • 2007 - April A. Chou ’96, John R. Emery ’52^, Robert B. Hollander ’55^, William K. Selden ’34^
  • 2006 - Kenneth M. Bruce ’83, Jon D. Hlafter ’61 *63 MFA, Paul G. Sittenfeld ’69^
  • 2005 - Don M. Betterton h60, Daniel P. Lopresti *83, *84, *87, Carl R. Yudell ’75
  • 2004 - John V. Fleming *63, Charles H. Rose ’50, Henry Von Kohorn ’66
  • 2003 - Mitsuya Goto *56, Herbert W. Hobler ’44^, Robert B. Rodgers ’56^
  • 2002 - Robert Gibby ’36^, Linda Knights ’77, Oren Pollock *51^
  • 2001 - John Fish ’55^, Norman Itzkowitz *59^, H. Kirk Unruh ’70
  • 2000 - Alfred Bates h45, Lisa & Donald Drakeman *88 S*88, Elizabeth Osborne S50 h36^, Jolanne Stanton '77
  • 1999 - Nicholas Allard ’74, Patricia Marks *03, Brian McDonald ’83
  • 1998 - Elizabeth Duffy ’88, James Floyd ’69, Leonard Milberg ’53
  • 1997 - Hannah P. Fox W39^, Peter T. Milano ’55^, Melinda W. Varian S63
  • 1996 - Carl Fields^, Robert S. Miner Jr. *56^, Kenneth C. Scasserra ’61^
  • 1995 - Dolores Chavez de Daigle ’76, Warren Elmer Jr. ’42^, Douglas Nadeau ’62^
  • 1994 - Marvin Bressler h68, 82^, Nancy and Larry Gutstein P87,90,96,96^, Peter G. Smith '46^
  • 1993 - Leroy R. Hill h86^, James D. MacWilliam Jr. ’54^, George Wallace Ruckert ’30^
  • 1992 - Linda Bell Blackburn ’71, George Kovatch ’55, Douglas E. Yeager ’69^
  • 1991 - Joseph L. Bolster Jr. ’52^, Virginia L. Corson ’74, Douglas H. Hahn ’34^
  • 1990 - John H. Bitner ’38^, Sally B. Frank ’80, Martin E. Robins ’64
  • 1989 - Austin M. Francis Jr. ’56, Robert H. Jiranek ’52, Hugh de N. Wynne ’39^
  • 1988 - Marjorie Corman Aaron ’78, Henry R. Martin ’48^, Arthur Northwood ’35^
  • 1987 - William H. Avery ’27^, William G. Bowen *58^, Milton Lyon^, Clyde E. Rankin III ’72
  • 1986 - James Q. Bensen ’36^, Alison R. Bryan, Class of 1913^, Howie B. Kiser P75 h55, 75, 84^
  • 1985 - Charles S. Dawson ’70, James R. Posner *70, Robert A. Winters ’35^
  • 1984 - William P. Clark ’59^, John G. Kellogg ’32^, Ralph K. Ritchie ’34^
  • 1983 - George R. Beetle *66, Erling Dorf h33^, John W. Kern ’49^
  • 1982 - Thomas P. Birmingham ’47^, David G. Rahr ’60^, H. Coleman Tily III ’40^
  • 1981 - Marvin H. Cheiten *71 h65, Frederick L. Redpath ’39^, Leslie L. Vivian Jr. ’42^
  • 1980 - Harper R. Dowell ’30^, Richard L. Herbruck ’55^, Arthur C. Holden ’12^
  • 1979 - Levering Cartwright, Class of 1926^, Jeremiah S. Finch h31^, Frederic E. Fox ’39^
  • 1978 - George C. Denniston, Class of 1927^, William M. Hassebrock ’68, Jerry Horton ’42^
  • 1977 - Arnold M. Berlin ’46, Julian T. Buxton Jr. ’50^, Robert W. Sinkler h78^
  • 1976 - John C. Bogle ’51^, Gordon G. Sikes, Class of  1916^, William C. Van Siclen ’43^
  • 1975 - James R. Carruthers, Class of 1925^, Alpheus T. Mason, Graduate Class of 1923^, James H. Rowbotham Jr. ’32^
  • 1974 - Lucy M. Caldwell W25^, Donald P. Dickson ’49^, Howard W. Stepp h39^
  • 1973 - Donald W. Griffin, Class of 1923^, Milton W. King, Class of 1912^, John H. Leh Class of 1921^, Robert B. Rinehart, Class of 1904^
  • 1972 - George J. Cooke, Jr. Class of 1922^, Walter F. Hollenbach, Class of 1903, GS 1907^, Theodore E. McAlister ’52^

^ Denotes deceased alumnus/a