Our Community
Our Community
Hello, Tiger, and welcome to the Best Place of All. The Princeton Alumni Association works to celebrate your achievements, enrich your life and inspire you to engage in advancing Princeton — in whatever way is most meaningful to you.

The Princeton University Alumni Association
Located in every corner of the globe, the Alumni Association includes 97,000+ members who keep our lifelong connection with Princeton University strong. We’re proud of Princeton and together want to continue to make it even better.
Regional Associations Near You
There are 158 Princeton regional associations around the world, so you can connect with fellow Princetonians wherever you are. Find the region closest to you.
PC of Northwestern NJ (Morristown area)
PAA of Monmouth & NE Ocean Counties
Princeton Area Alumni Association
PAA of Essex and Hudson Counties
PAA of Northern New Jersey
Upcoming Events
Get Involved with the Graduate Alumni Community

Affinity Groups
Your Alumni Association and Princeton University celebrate your interests and affinities with several affinity groups that engage with each other and the University. In 2021, a Task Force on the Future of Affinity Programming fully endorsed the continued support of affinity programming and reaffirmed that its ultimate objective is to foster a sense of belonging among all alumni and to build a fully inclusive alumni community.
Affinity Groups
Open to all alumni, these affinity groups engage with each other and the University.