The Alumni Association of Princeton University

With 97,000+ members found in 155 countries and in all 50 states, the Alumni Association of Princeton University encourages and provides opportunities for lifelong engagement with the University and its robust alumni community.


Meeting during Princeton Reunions

Alumni Council

The governing body of the Alumni Association, the Alumni Council of Princeton University engages alumni in the life of the University in mutually beneficial ways.

Alumni Council

The Alumni Council is led by the Executive Committee, which also oversees Council Committees responsible for developing and promoting new programs for alumni to connect with each other and with the University.

Council members include presidents of each of the alumni classes; the presidents of each regional association or club across the world; the officers of the Association of Princeton Graduate Alumni; members of the Executive Committee; and up to a total of 12 appointed term members. In addition, life members of the Council include all former chairs of the Council, presidents emeriti of Princeton and former directors of the Council.


Monica Moore Thompson

Executive Committee and Leadership

Maclean House

Code of Volunteer Engagement

The Executive Committee of the Alumni Council grounds its activities in a code of volunteer engagement affirming the reciprocal commitment between Princeton University and its volunteers.

Standing Committees

Thousands of alumni volunteers work on various committees to engage as many alumni as possible in the life of the University and to serve Princeton alumni across the country and around the world.

Class of 2018 students wearing their beer jackets.

Class Affairs Committee

Chicago Regional Club group photo with "Princeton Club of Chicago" sign.

Committee on Regional Associations (CORA)

Zoom meeting with 20 people during Reunions 2020.

Communications and Technology Committee

Oldest alumnus Joe Schein at the P-rade

Committee on Reunions

Students from the Class of 2025 Pre-rade

Princeton Schools Committee

Class Jackets as they appear on a website.

Princetoniana Committee

Special Committees

The Alumni Council has a number of special standing committees and ad hoc committees that conduct the business of the Council.

Reunions 2023

Ad Hoc Committee on Alumni Volunteer Pathways

Young female recent alumni

Ad Hoc Committee on Recent Alumni

Alum at podium honoring other alumni.

Committee on Awards for Service to Princeton


Committee to Nominate Alumni Trustees

Alumni with award

Committee on Nominations

High school students on campus group photo.

The Princeton Prize in Race Relations

Young Alumni Trustees: Eligibility, Election, Results

The Young Alumni Trustee position was created in 1969 to ensure that the University’s Board of Trustess would always include four members with recent experience as undergraduates. Young Alumni Trustees have the same rights, powers and duties as all other trustees and take the same oath to “faithfully, impartially and justly” perform the duties of the office of trustee.

Nassau Hall tigers

Young Alumni Trustees