Committee on Reunions

Committee on Reunions

The Committee on Reunions provides support to classes in planning and managing their reunions and acts as liaisons between classes and the University. 

Reunions: Then and Now

Reunions, a tradition that goes back to the 19th century, attracts nearly 25,000 alumni, family and friends to campus to celebrate being Princetonians. Join in on the Tiger fun by participating in parties and dancing, signing up for community service projects, attending Alumni-Faculty Forums, seeing old friends and making new ones, and, of course, marching in the one and only P-rade!

Reunions black and white photo

History of Reunions

Young alumnus taking selfie with graduated class.

Home for Reunions

Photo of Grand Marshals at Reunions before P-rade.

P-rade Marshals

Princeton alumni who serve as P-rade Marshals are dedicated volunteers who keep the P-rade running, ensuring that all participants and spectators have a wonderful experience. Interested in serving as a P-rade Marshal? Contact the Grand Marshal for details.

Planning for Reunions

Class Resources

The Reunions Volunteer Resource website serves as a centralized hub for essential resources throughout the planning cycle. This private site is accessible exclusively to major reunion alumni volunteer committee members. They can request access by emailing

Take It or Leave It Tent

Have any Princeton memorabilia you’d like to trade for something new? Bring it to the Take It or Leave It Tent and go home with some Princetoniana you’ll treasure for years to come.    

Princeton Reunions sign

Volunteer Resources

Major reunion alumni volunteer committee members can request access by emailing

Young man looking at items in the Take it or Leave it tent.

Take It or Leave It Tent

Committee Members and Leadership