Early twentieth-century aviator, automotive and aeronautical engineer, inventor and entrepreneur Lucean Arthur Headen
February 3, 2025, 12:30 PM EST

‘The Angels are in the Details: Reconstructing an African American Inventor’s Life from Circumstantial Evidence’

The History and Legacy of Black Entrepreneurship in the United States initiative has aimed to provide the Keller Center community an opportunity to learn from the country’s most prominent academic scholars. This talk will discuss the life of early twentieth-century aviator, automotive and aeronautical engineer, inventor and entrepreneur Lucean Arthur Headen, and will examine the strategies Headen adopted to finance and market his inventions over a forty-year career in the United States and England. It will describe the methodology used to uncover Headen’s mostly undocumented story and discuss the unexpected insights into biography, technology and entrepreneurship this methodology yielded.