Giving to Princeton from Outside the U.S.

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Giving to Princeton from Outside the U.S.


Give from near and far: If you live outside the United States and are considering a gift to Princeton, you can, in most cases, give online using your credit card. In other cases, we may be able to provide you with details such as fees, basic tax information and partner organizations that can help process your gift.

The United Kingdom, several countries in Europe, Canada and Hong Kong have well-developed procedures for giving to U.S. universities. Even if your country is not listed here, you can still give to Princeton. 

Governments around the world often introduce new ways to support institutions like Princeton. We can help you navigate the giving landscape.

United Kingdom

Many alumni and friends in the United Kingdom wish to support education at Princeton University. For this reason, the Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited was set up as an English charity recognized both by the United States Internal Revenue Service, by virtue of its relationship with Princeton University, as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and by the Charity Commission for England and Wales as a registered charity.

Gifts of cash and securities made to the Foundation are tax-deductible for U.S. taxpayers to the full extent of the U.S. tax code and may also provide tax benefits to U.K. taxpayers, including participation in the U.K. Gift Aid Scheme for gifts of cash, and income tax and capital gains tax reliefs for gifts of qualifying securities.

We regret that the U.K. Foundation is unable to accept class dues.

Making a Gift of Cash to the Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited

If you wish to make a gift to advance education at Princeton University, you can make a gift of cash to the Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited. You can follow these steps:

  1. Complete a Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited Gift Reply Form.
  2. If appropriate to the circumstances, complete the Gift Aid Declaration Form, which will allow the Foundation to make a Gift Aid reclaim from the U.K. government. The Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited will be responsible for collecting this Gift Aid reclaim from the U.K. government (higher or additional rate taxpayers can claim an additional relief on their Self Assessment tax return). 

    The form includes a box that, when checked, authorizes the Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited to collect Gift Aid for the enclosed gift as well as all future gifts to the Foundation until advised otherwise, and also donations made up to four years previously. If that box is checked, the Gift Aid Declaration Form will be kept on record for future donations to this Foundation. 

    Please note that to make a Gift Aid donation, you must pay at least as much U.K. tax (Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax) as the amount of tax that the Foundation is entitled to reclaim, minus 25% of the amount you donate.
  3. Send the contribution and completed forms to:
    Eileen Flood, Administrator 
    Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited 
    19 Norcott Road 
    London N16 7EJ 
    United Kingdom 
    Tel: 020.7502.2813
  4. To make a gift by credit card, please call Eileen Flood at the number listed above.
  5. After the contribution has been sent, Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited will send every U.K. donor an acknowledgement for all gifts received.
  6. The Foundation's current policy is to deposit all gifts into the Foundation’s U.K. bank account and convert all gifts to U.S. dollars at that time.
  7. The Foundation will consider requests made by donors as to how their donation is to be applied. Where a donation is to be applied to support Princeton University, the Foundation’s administrator will notify Princeton University of the gift, noting the U.S. dollar amount and, when applicable, an anticipated Gift Aid amount (also in U.S. dollars). The gift and anticipated Gift Aid amount will be combined and reported as one gift to Princeton.
  8. In respect of any gift received by the Foundation a U.S. gift receipt for the amount calculated as per step 6, plus any anticipated Gift Aid amount, will be sent to the U.K. donor.

Making a Gift of Securities to the Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited

If you wish to support education at Princeton University through a gift of securities to the Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited, you should follow these steps:

  1. Contact the Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited to obtain the necessary securities transfer instructions.
    Eileen Flood, Administrator 
    Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited 
    19 Norcott Road 
    London N16 7EJ 
    United Kingdom 
    Tel: 020.7502.2813
  2. After the gift has been made, the Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited will send every U.K. donor an acknowledgement for all gifts received. Gifts will be acknowledged on the date of receipt by the Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited. The amount acknowledged will be based on the mean between the high and low on the date of receipt.
  3. The Foundation's current policy is to deposit all gifts of securities into the Foundation’s brokerage account and will sell the securities and reduce the proceeds to U.S. dollars as soon as possible. The amount realized from the sale of the securities will be the amount available for distribution.
  4. The Foundation will consider requests made by donors as to how their donation is to be applied. Where a donation is to be applied to support Princeton University, the Foundation’s administrator will notify Princeton University of the gift, noting the U.S. dollar amount.
  5. In respect of any gift received by the Foundation a U.S. gift receipt for the amount calculated as per step 3, plus any anticipated Gift Aid amount, will be sent to the U.K. donor.

Registered Office Address—20 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7AN 
Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited  •  Registered in England and Wales 
Charity Number 1123916—Company Registration Number 06579652

FAQ: Giving from the UK


Why is it good for donors?

Although registered in the U.K., the Foundation’s sole shareholder is Princeton University and it is treated for U.S. federal tax purposes as part of the University. This structure not only offers tax relief to U.K. taxpayers but also enables those who are liable for both U.K. and U.S. tax to obtain tax relief in both countries on the same contribution. If you pay tax at the higher or additional rate, you can claim back the difference between the higher rate of tax (40%) or the additional rate of tax (45%) and the basic rate of tax (20%) on the total value of the donation.

U.K. taxpayers may also receive income tax relief and exemption from capital gains tax on the value of securities that they give to the Foundation. Those who are also liable for U.S. tax may receive similar benefits on their U.S. tax returns.

Additional estate-related relief benefits are possible. Please visit the HM Revenue and Customs website for further information.

Why is it good for Princeton?

Making a gift using the Gift Aid Scheme increases the amount of the gift by enabling the charity to reclaim the basic rate of tax on the gift. Currently, for every £1 donated, the charity can reclaim approximately an additional 25p from HM Revenue and Customs. This means that a £1,000 gift is worth £1,250 to the charity.

When can the Gift Aid Scheme apply?

The Gift Aid Scheme applies to charitable gifts of cash made by U.K. taxpayers where that taxpayer’s income and/or capital gains tax liability in the year the gift is made is equal to or greater than the amount the charity will claim for the gift. The U.K. tax year runs from 6 April to 5 April, and there may be some limited scope for donors to 'carry back' a gift into a previous tax year. For more information, please consult your tax advisor or visit the HM Revenue & Customs website.

How do I apply?

Complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form and include it with your gift payable to the Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited. The Foundation will then apply to HM Revenue and Customs to claim a portion of the tax you have already paid. There is no limit to how often Gift Aid relief can be claimed so long as you have paid (or are liable to pay) sufficient U.K. income tax and capital gains tax to cover the amount reclaimed by the Foundation; one gift declaration can cover all current and future gifts to the Foundation and gifts made in the previous four years.

What if I claim at the higher tax rate?

If you pay the higher rate tax, you can claim the difference between the higher rates of tax (40% or 45%) and the basic rate of tax (20%) on the gross value of your donation to the charity.

For example, if you donate £100, the gross value of your donation to the charity is £125. If you pay tax at the 45% rate, you can claim back 25% of this (£31.25) for yourself. You can make this claim on your Self Assessment tax return. For more information on Gift Aid qualifications, please visit the HM Revenue & Customs website. Here are additional examples of donations made in dollars and pounds sterling.

What types of gifts qualify for Gift Aid?

Gifts can be made by cash, check, credit card, or wire transfer. Gifts not generated exclusively from individual personal income, such as gifts of stock, do not qualify for Gift Aid; nor do gifts received from a corporate entity, foundation trust, or payroll deduction. However, the Foundation can still accept such gifts and these may attract other types of tax relief.

We regret that the U.K. Foundation is unable to accept class dues.

What types of gifts are accepted by PCFL?

Gifts by check, credit card, and wire transfer, as well as gifts of stock are accepted. Legacies and certain gifts of real property (land) are also eligible for U.K. tax relief.

What currency is accepted?

Pounds sterling or U.S. dollars.

Will my company match my gift to PCFL?

If your employer matches gifts to U.K. charities, your gift should be matched.

Does a gift I make jointly with someone else qualify for Gift Aid?

Yes, but you must tell the charity how much is from each of you, and you each need to sign a separate  if the whole amount is to qualify.

What happens after I give?

The Foundation will send you a letter of acknowledgment for your original gift. The Foundation will collect the appropriate Gift Aid from HM Revenue & Customs. Finally, Princeton will send all donors a letter of acknowledgment (for both the gift and Gift Aid amount, if applicable) to be used for U.S. tax purposes.

Whom do I contact to make a gift to PCFL?

Eileen Flood, Administrator 
Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited 
19 Norcott Road 
London N16 7EJ 
United Kingdom 
Tel: 020.7502.2813

Registered Office Address—20 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7AN 
Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited • Registered in England and Wales 
Charity Number 1123916—Company Registration Number 06579652

Giving from Europe

For the convenience of our alumni, parents and friends in Europe, the Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited is now a beneficiary of Transnational Giving Europe (TGE), a network of philanthropic institutions.

Donors who live in participating countries may be able to make gifts to Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited that qualify for tax benefits in their resident country. The following countries participate in TGE:

  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Luxembourg
  • Spain
  • Switzerland

For further information, please contact:

Eileen Flood, Administrator
Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited
19 Norcott Road
London N16 7 EJ
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44.20.7502.2813

Giving from Canada

Giving to Princeton from Canada is easy, and may have tax benefits.

Princeton has “prescribed status” under the Canadian Income Tax Act, which means that Canadian donors may claim a non-refundable tax credit on their Canadian income tax return with an official donation receipt from Princeton.

Giving from Hong Kong

The Princeton Hong Kong Charitable Foundation Limited is recognized as a tax-exempt charity under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) by the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department (IRD) as well as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization by the IRS in the US.

U.S. Taxpayer ID: 98-1543048

Hong Kong IRD Registry No.: 2867863

With your gift to the Princeton Hong Kong Charitable Foundation Limited, you may be eligible to receive a Hong Kong tax benefit. If you pay both Hong Kong and U.S. taxes, you may be eligible to receive a tax credit in both countries. Please consult your tax advisor.

We regret that the HK Foundation is unable to accept class dues.

Make a gift of cash to the Princeton Hong Kong Charitable Foundation Limited

If you wish to make a gift to advance education at Princeton University, you can make a gift of cash to the Princeton Hong Kong Charitable Foundation Limited. You can follow these steps:

1. Complete a Princeton Hong Kong Charitable Foundation Limited Gift Reply Form.

2. Send the contribution and completed forms to:
Eleanor Poulton, Administrator
Princeton Hong Kong Charitable Foundation Limited
304, 8th Floor, Tesbury Centre
28 Queen's Road East
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2866 1535

3. To make a gift by wire transfer, please contact Eleanor Poulton at the email and number listed above.

4. The Foundation's current policy is to deposit all gifts into the Foundation’s HK bank account and convert all gifts to U.S. dollars at that time.

5. The Foundation will consider requests made by donors as to how their donation is to be applied. Where a donation is to be applied to support Princeton University, the Foundation’s administrator will notify Princeton University of the gift, noting the U.S. dollar amount.

6. In respect of any gift received by the Foundation, a U.S. gift receipt for the amount, calculated as per step 3, will be sent to the HK donor.


For information on giving from outside the United States, please contact:

Kurt Rodgers, Senior Associate Director, International Development 
Princeton University
Office of Development
100 Overlook Center, Suite 300
Princeton, NJ 08540
Tel: +1.609.258.7164

For information on the Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited in the U.K. and Europe, please contact:

Eileen Flood, Administrator
Princeton Charitable Foundation Limited
19 Norcott Road
London N16 7EJ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44.20.7502.2813