Alumni, staff, faculty and students gathered at the University’s 9/11 Memorial Garden on Saturday, Sept. 11 to honor the 14 Princetonians who perished in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The interfaith service included remarks by President Christopher L. Eisgruber ’83; a welcome by Alison Boden, dean of religious life and the Chapel; and prayers and meditations from the University’s Islamic, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist and Hindu clergy. Mary Newburn ’97, president of the Alumni Association, read the names of the alumni, while Kim Goodwin ’81, University trustee, struck the “Remembrance” bell after each name.
During the service, several speakers included their own memories of that fateful day, including Eisgruber, who had visited the World Trade Center with his family just three days before the terrorist attack. A Princeton professor at the time, he spoke about how the University community responded in 2001.
“On Sunday the 16th, Princeton held a service on Cannon Green to honor, remember and mourn the victims of the September 11th attacks,” Eisgruber said. “My predecessor, Shirley M. Tilghman, was a new president in the first months of her tenure. She spoke these words: ‘We all have a responsibility to prove what we know to be true: that love is stronger than hate; that justice is stronger than injustice; that democracy is stronger than despotism; and that freedom does allow for the fullest flowering of the human spirit.’”
In order of their class and graduate year, the perished alumni include:
- Robert L. Cruikshank ’58, A.B. Economics
- Charles A. McCrann ’68, A.B. History
- Philip Guza *72, Ph.D. Mathematics
- William E. Caswell *75, Ph.D. Physics
- Martin P. Wohlforth ’76, A.B. Politics
- Robert J. Deraney ’80, A.B. Near Eastern Studies
- Joshua A. Rosenthal *81, MPA, School of Public and International Affairs
- Karen Klitzman ’84, A.B. Sociology
- Jeffrey D. Wiener ’90, BSE Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
- John Schroeder ’92, A.B. History
- Christopher Ingrassia ’95, A.B. Economics
- Robert G. McIlvaine ’97, A.B. English
- Christopher Mello ’98, A.B. Psychology
- Catherine MacRae ’00, A.B. Economics