Annual Giving

Unrestricted gifts from undergraduate and graduate alumni, parents and friends help provide the “margin of excellence” that makes a Princeton education second to none. Annual Giving sustains and enhances the University’s distinctive academic programs and brings together Princetonians of all generations. This year’s campaign ends on June 30.

Welcome to the ROAR
On Nov. 5, 2022, Princeton alumni from the 10 most recent graduation classes gathered on campus at Chancellor Green for the ROAR. Previously known as Annual Giving BootCamp, the ROAR stands for “Rally-Outreach-Ask-Repeat,” and is a fun-filled day for raising spirits, awareness and participation in Annual Giving.

Annual Giving Impact Report 2022-23
The impact of Annual Giving is visible everywhere at Princeton, and last year’s campaign helped provide the “margin of excellence” that makes transformative student experiences possible.
Forward Together with Annual Giving
Each of us has our own Princeton story, and there are many inspiring reasons for supporting Princeton through Annual Giving.
Whether you give because you are funding your experience forward, want to support financial aid and faculty recruitment, know that each generation stands on the shoulders of the one before or because of a reason completely unique to you... through Annual Giving, all Princetonians move Forward Together.

It’s the secret sauce of Annual Giving: the dedication and commitment of Princeton alumni volunteers. They rally classmates and keep the Tiger spirit burning bright.
Annual Giving Stories
Explore stories and videos about the impact of your Annual Giving support, on campus and beyond.
Over nearly three centuries, Princeton alumni have helped build the future and open the gates for the next generation of leaders. New challenges await us, and the path to a brighter tomorrow points forward together.