Four Princetonians will be honored with the Service to Princeton awards during the annual meeting of the Alumni Council scheduled for noon EDT on Friday, May 21. The honorees are Nancy Lin ’77 S76 P10, Susan Katzmann Horner ’86 S79 P20, Frederick E. Cammerzell III ’72 and Laurence G. Latimer *01.
The award was established to recognize outstanding service contributions to Princeton by any member of the Princeton family, with special emphasis on those who serve significantly, but inconspicuously. A longer tribute with further details about the winners will be available following the presentation at the Alumni Council annual meeting.
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Frederick E. Cammerzell, III ’72
The list of his leadership roles is long: class and regional association, committees and crowd management (as a P-rade marshal), fundraising and friend-raising. He has opened his home to hundreds of Princetonians, from the 1970s (and earlier) to the 2020s. All out of deep affection for Old Nassau.
Nancy Lin ’77 S76 P10
Widely recognized for outstanding leadership during her career, on retiring she has translated both her skills and her passion into Princeton volunteer leadership. Giving generously of her time and talents, she expands engagement through the Asian American Alumni Association and beyond, across campus and across generations.
Susan Katzmann Horner ’86 S79 P20
A committed volunteer whose heart has been set on cultivating community since her student days, she continues to focus on serving Princeton communities. From outreach to potential admission applicants to creating new opportunities for Princeton alumnae to gather, she drives collaborative action with kind and caring support.
Laurence G. Latimer *01
He may be relatively new to volunteering, but his successes are already well-established. Whether it’s graduate alumni fundraising or Black alumni philanthropy, a University capital campaign or an alumni capital investment, he brings his boundless energy to building alumni bonds.