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U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan ’81, Nobel laureate David Card *83 recognized at Princeton Alumni Day
Princetonians honored with National Medals of Science
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan ’81 and Nobel-Prize-winning economist David Card *83 to receive top alumni awards
Four alumni honored with Service to Princeton awards
Avi Wigderson *83 wins Turing Award for ‘groundbreaking insights’ in computer science
At Alumni Day, Princeton honors computer scientist Fei-Fei Li ’99 and ornithologist John Fitzpatrick *78
Computer scientist Fei-Fei Li ’99 and ornithologist John Fitzpatrick *78 to receive top awards on Alumni Day
Four Princetonians awarded MacArthur ‘genius’ grants
Three alumni honored with Service to Princeton awards
Four-star general Christopher Cavoli ’87 and internet pioneer Robert Kahn *64 to receive top alumni awards