
Gift Establishes Kahneman and Treisman Center for Behavioral Science and Public Policy at Princeton

Anne Treisman and Daniel Kahneman

$10 Million Gift from Alumnus Funds Music Building at Princeton

Night view of new music building

Birkelund Gift Funds New Certificate Program in History and Diplomacy; Kotkin and Mullen to Co-direct

John Birkelund

Gift Establishes the Thomas M. Siebel History of Science Professorship

Thomas Siebel

$10 Million from Alumnus Establishes Louis A. Simpson Center for the Study of Macroeconomics at Princeton

Louis Simpson

Scheide Donates Rare Books Library to Princeton

William Scheide in library

Head Coaching Position for Men’s Squash Named for Bob Callahan ’77

Bob Callahan speaks on a microphone prior to a match

Celebrating Gifts to the Center for African American Studies

Center for African American Studies celebration

Family Ties: Scholarship Connects Generations of Princetonians

Charles McKnight and Kenneth Crampton

Dietrich Bequest Endows Economic Theory Center and Supports Financial Aid at Princeton

William S. Dietrich II