Venture Forward

Princeton provost highlights Venture Forward alumni event in Japan

Jen Rexford and alumni from Japan hold a Princeton banner

University dedicates Omenn-Darling Bioengineering Institute at Venture Forward event

Gil Omenn, Martha Darling, Chris Eisgruber and Cliff Brangwynne, cutting a ribbon to dedicate the new bioengineering institute

Princeton trustees set 2024-25 budget, increasing spending for undergraduate financial aid and graduate student support

Flowers on the Princeton campus

AI at Princeton: Pushing limits, accelerating discovery and serving humanity

Wires and bright lights that are part of the AI data storage infrastructure

Andrew Houck ’00 is making quantum leaps to unlock a multiverse of possibilities

Andrew Houck smiling, dressed in blazer and tie.

At Alumni Day, Princeton honors computer scientist Fei-Fei Li ’99 and ornithologist John Fitzpatrick *78

Fei-Fei Li and Johns Fitzpatrick conversing on the stage of Richardson Auditorium

Florida alumni extend warm welcome to President Eisgruber for Venture Forward events

Philip Hammarskjold ’87 and President Christopher L. Eisgruber ’83 on stage together in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Campaign reports share the impact of Venture Forward, including Annual Giving

New students from Yeh College and New College West celebrate the residences' dedication

Princeton alumni and friends gather for Venture Forward event in Kenya

Split images of Meg Whitman and Winnie Kiiru on stage in Nairobi

Uncovering history’s hidden stories: Autumn Womack’s journey from grade-school history camp to Toni Morrison’s archives

Autumn Woman, dressed in black, posing for camera